OpenQualia Label Standard
OpenQualia is an industry group focused on improving digitization quality control through cooperation and incubating standards for international adoption. OpenQualia works to standardize the workflows and data formats of digitization tools including software for capture, color profiling, image quality analysis, and quality assurance. OpenQualia-compatible tools simplify digitization and help the user achieve higher quality.
The OQ Label standardizes the process of using target-specific measurements for color profiling and quality evaluation in digitization processes. Targets like the DT NGT2 or ColorChecker SG are essential for creating color profiles and assessing quality based on established standards such as ISO 19264 and FADGI. It is best practice to use measurements specific to each target rather than relying on generic average values for the target type.
Using target-specific measurements can be cumbersome and error-prone, involving manually measuring a target, saving these measurements to a file, transferring the file to different computers as needed, and loading it into various software tools throughout the digitization workflow. An OQ Label simplifies this process significantly.